Sam Mae Diamond
Earth Alchemist
As an artist, the craft and craftsmanship are a large part of my work. I use utilitarian objects as a method of material exploration. By using a tool like the wheel, I will create vessels and explore their functions in daily life.
I push the limits of the material to see how much it can be manipulated. This style of building requires understanding the sensitivity of the materials that I have gained from all my trails, tests, experiments, and failures. Through all this dedication to my craft I create vessels and forms that act as record for life and nature.
While time on the wheel is a meditative process, I use my sculptural work to challenge myself.
Working with multiple building techniques I create forms that mimic everyday life. I like to explore the contrasting meanings in materials and concepts.
Wild Clay Harvesting process for Not That Brandywine Tradition
I use clay, a material that could survive for thousands of years, to capture a fleeting moment or place in time.
I use materials to illustrate things that cannot be seen, the traumas endured, the afflictions that ail us and the strain of daily life. By capturing these moments in a lasting physical form, I can show both the ideal version, a delicate peony in full bloom, or the grotesque, the remains we may leave behind.

natural beauty in its rawest form
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